easyJet celebrates 20 years
Monday, November 16, 2015
One of Europe’s biggest low-cost airlines celebrates 20 years this month. To celebrate we take a look at the most important milestones as well as fun facts & figures.
Destinations: When first launched in 1995, easyJet served but two destinations, Luton to Glasgow and Luton to Edinburgh. Today the airline flies to more than 130 destinations in 31 different countries & over 700 routes.
Passengers: Within the first year, the company recorded approximately 40,000 passengers. In 2015 easyJet is estimated to carry approximately 68 million passengers. A rapid expansion in a rather short amount of time.
Staff: Back in 1995 easyJet employed only 70 people, some of which still work for the airline. Today the airline employs over 10,000 employees.
Flights operated in the last 20 years: 4.7 million
Cups of coffee served: 58 million
Cups of tea served: 44 million
Bacon baguettes served: >3 million
What’s next?
Those who frequently travel with easyJet within and outside of Europe can look forward to the airlines first loyalty programme. The carrier announced its new Flight Club scheme the previous week, which shall be rolled out in 2016. It is said to be a part of a new strategy to attract short-haul business travellers. The invitation only membership will offer passenger benefits such as increased ticket-flexibility, price guarantees, and a dedicated customer service team.
Passengers who fly 20 or more times a year are said to qualify for easyJet’s Fly Club. This is estimated to apply to hundreds of thousands of passengers. The carrier’s CEO, Carolyn McCall, explained that it would be: “A loyalty scheme with a difference because it gives passengers benefits they really value and can access immediately. It is also simpler to run which means that we can continue to keep our costs low”.
Written by: Flight-Delayed.com

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