Upcoming strikes at Easyjet
Thursday, June 9, 2016
<div> </div><div><img alt="" src="/uploads/2016/6/airbus-easyjet-plane-orange.jpg" style="width: 750px; height: 477px;" /></div><div> </div><div>According to fresh sources, budget-carrier easyJet is to expect severe delays in an upcoming round of strikes. The airline's pilots and ground-crew based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, will reportedly be staging a walkout, in protest of the current salary conditions. According to the VNV (The Dutch Pilots Association), the current resistance of Management at easyJet has given them no choice but to act in protest. </div><div> </div><div>This is what it means today: Travellers with upcoming flights to and from Amsterdam may therefore be faced with either severe delays or cancellations. In situations such as these, the only thing that might bring relief is the possible financial compensation that passengers are entitled to.</div><div>
<h2>Flight delayed/cancelled - What to do</h2><div><a href="https://www.flight-delayed.com/regulation-ec-no-2612004" target="_self">Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004</a> as well as other law state, that passengers who have experienced a flight that was cancelled or, delayed by 3 or more hours, are entitled to financial compensation. The amount of money is based on the flight distance and is structured as follows:</div><div>
<li>Flight distance (within the EU) of <strong>up to 1500 km: Receive EUR 250</strong></li>
<li>Flight distance (departing from/arriving to the EU) of<strong> between 1500 km and 3500 km: Receive EUR 400</strong></li>
<li>Flight distance (departing from/arriving to the EU) of <strong>more than 3500 km: Receive EUR 600</strong></li>
</ul><div>To every rule there are exceptions, so called <a href="https://www.flight-delayed.com/extraordinary-circumstances" target="_self">extraordinary circumstances</a>, that free the airline from their obligation to pay. These extraordinary circumstances are: </div><ul>
<li>Adverse weather: Storms, snow, heavy rains, fog etc</li>
<li>Political circumstances: Terrorist attacks, security risks, political unrest.</li>
<li>Illness: Sick crew member or passenger</li>
</ul><div>As it happens, strikes are also considered as extraordinary circumstances. However, this only pertains to strikes held by third party staff: Air Traffic Control, Airport staff, non-airline ground crew.</div><div> </div><div>Strikes held by airline-employed pilots, such as is now the case, do in fact entitle passengers to financial compensation, provided their flight was affected.</div><div> </div><h2>What next?</h2><div>If your flight was affected, here’s what to do: <a href="/submit-claim" target="_self">Check if your flight was affected</a> and see how much financial compensation you are entitled to.</div><div> </div><div><strong>Written by: <a href="/submit-claim" target="_self">Team Flight-Delayed</a></strong></div>

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