Total's CEO killed in plane crash

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The chief executive officer of the French oil company Total died in a plane accident on Monday night. Mr. de Margerie was killed as his private jet crashed into a snow plough at Moscow’s Vnukovo international airport. All three crew members were also killed in the tragic accident.

The accident occured just after midnight as the plane prepared for take-off. De Margerie had attended a meeting with the Russian government on possible foreign invertment and was on his way back to Paris. The plane crashed in a snow plough and caught fire inmediately.

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De Margerie joined Total in 1974 and was appointed CEO in 2007. An influential figure in the oil industry, he leaves big shoes to be filled. Total plans to hold a board meeting as soon as possible in order to discuss a replacement. Philippe Boisseau, in charge of Total's new energy division has been named as a possible successor.

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